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20 groups. 10 years.

We started The Way Church in 2019, and God has given us the mission field, the vision, and the heart to reach the residents of Georgetown Park Apartments; a 20-building complex literally in our own backyard, home to 10% of our city. At the start of 2022 our church got behind the ambitious 20in10 vision: seeing a small group meeting in all 20 buildings in the next 10 years.

We’ve been hosting events, building relationships, and our connection with our neighbors has been growing. And as our relationships continue to develop the potential for the gospel to take root does too! It's a big vision, and we know we can't do it alone. We need you to partner with us in the gospel movement God is doing.

we need your help.

Would you consider giving a small, recurring, financial gift to help us continue to make progress  of helping people find and follow Jesus? GIVE NOW

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  • Why Georgetown Park Apartments?
    God strategically and intentionally placed our church right in front of the largest apartment complex in our community. Georgetown is home to over 10% of our entire city. It's massive. We believe if we're going to reach the end of the earth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we need to start with the mission field right in our own backyard.
  • What's so exciting about reaching the residents of an apartment complex?
    This isn't your normal mission field. Georgetown Park Apartments is a revolving door because many who live there don't plan to forever. So we have a small season where we can reach people, disciple them, and encourage them to get plugged into a Gospel-centered community wherever God leads them next. We don't have to go searching for those who are lost; they're coming to us.
  • What progress have you seen in your efforts toward 20in10?
    A lot. Our relationship with Georgetown has gone from literally having the door slammed in our face, to it cautiously opening, and now to us being invited in. God has been so good and we can't wait to share the exciting things we've already seen Him do. From developing a fruitful relationship with the management office, meeting new residents; God has been faithful! Schedule a call below - we can’t wait to fill you in on everything we’ve seen God do thus far!
  • How can I get involved?
    This opportunity is bigger than us. We're going to need all hands on deck if we're going to take advantage of this mission field. Currently, we're in need of 2 things: prayer partners and financial backing.
  • How will financial backing help see 20in10?
    Not only will your financial contributions help support our staff (boots on the ground), but will allow us to continue to host intentional events in the middle of the complex. From lawn game tournaments to block parties, we’ve figured out what events are able to reach residents effectively. Your financial support allows us to reach the mission field that’s ripe for harvest.

How can you help?

Have questions? Set up a meeting with our Lead Pastor, Scott. He'd love to talk with you!
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